Imagine that Obama maintains his delegate and popular vote lead through the end of the primary season, a scenario that everyone concedes is highly likely. Imagine, for whatever reason, that super delegates are convinced to give the nomination to Clinton anyway. Obama, who has a bright future in the Democratic party, would probably concede gracefully and encourage his supporters to back the nominee. To do otherwise would be political suicide. Some, including myself, would gladly throw our support behind Clinton, but many others would not. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and other more radical members of the party would be out in the streets crying foul, inciting mass protests and encouraging black voters in particular to stay home this November. (Think Mark Green in 2001.) Without the support of African Americans and other Obama supporters, Hillary would be “dead on arrival” in the general election.
If this were February and I had seen Obama's weaknesses then, I may have switched back to Clinton, hoping Obama would come back in 4 to 8 years with a little more experience. But this election cycle has moved too far along now, and Clinton's legitimacy as a candidate would be seriously undermined if she were to win the nomination by using super delegates to over-ride the popular or delegate vote. If you really can see a legitimate road to the nomination and the White House for Hillary that does not include dividing and conquering our party and/or eviscerating one of its rising stars (Obama), please show it to me. From where I sit, I cannot foresee any less-destructive routes for her to take. I can only see a possible win in November with an Obama candidacy, or a clear loss with a Clinton candidacy.
It is a terrible pickle we find ourselves in. But, for that reason alone, I cannot support Clinton's reckless bid for the nomination. If she pulls it off, I'll support her wholeheartedly. I only wish that Clinton supporters and other Obama supporters would make the same promise should their candidate lose the nomination, fair and square.
Your Fellow Democrat